The semester is coming to an end. Soon, your summer plans will start. It’s time to figure out what you’re going to do with all your stuff. Renting a student storage unit for the summer is one affordable option that allows you to keep your in one convenient, secure location. When classes start again, all your stuff will be there waiting for you to pick it up. That means you don’t have to worry about it while you’re traveling, working, or having adventures.
We work hard to provide the best student storage in Boston. That means we do have to have a few rules regarding things that can not go into storage units, in order to keep things safe and sanitary for everyone. Here are a few examples of items that can not go into summer storage:
1) Your Pet Llama Llary: As adorable as Llary might be, we can’t allow him – or any live animals of any type whatsoever – in the storage facility. It’s not safe for them. Live animals need care, fresh air, sunlight and attention to survive. Live animals include exotic pets like tarantulas, hermit crabs, turtles, snakes and more.
2) Your Roommate: People can’t stay in storage units. Ever.
3)The Radioactive Science Project That Got You An “A”: No hazardous materials are allowed in the storage facility.
4) Your Garbage: Believe it or not, this happens more than you think. Please don’t put your garbage in summer storage. Remember, everything needs to be removed from the storage unit at the end of your rental, so any garbage you store is garbage you’re going to need to remove later!
5)Your Guns: All firearms of every type are prohibited. No old guns, no new guns, no big guns, no little guns, no guns of any sort whatsoever. Also, no ammunition and no explosives – including fireworks.
6)Your Collection of Artisanal Cheeses: Perishable food should not be kept in student storage. Food that requires refrigeration should not be kept in summer storage. Food rots quickly in storage units, resulting in bad smells and potentially attracting vermin. You don’t want to deal with that. Eat your perishable food or give it to someone who wants it!
7)Your Plants