“You want to hear about a shipping nightmare?” Don asked. The Boston businessman has a frantic schedule, managing a small cleaning service and a retail business. His days became even busier last month, as you’ll see. “I’ll tell you about a shipping nightmare. We’d rented a copier from this place, a place we’d been renting from for years. But the business is growing, and we needed a bigger machine. The old place just wouldn’t give me a good deal, so I gave my business to one of their competitors. Nothing personal, it’s just money, right?”
“So we had to return the leased copier. I never even gave it a thought – just told one of the girls from the front office that the copier needed to be returned.” Don shook his head. “I don’t know why I hired her, but it surely wasn’t for her brains. This dingbat called up her boyfriend, had him bring his pickup over, and with a handcart, tried to load this copier – which weighs I don’t know, two hundred pounds? – into the back of the truck. You know that didn’t work out.” No one’s sharing exactly what happened, but the copier Don rented wound up with some significant damage.
“But that didn’t stop them! They got the copier loaded up and returned it to the leasing company.” Don closed his eyes. “Where they left it sitting on the ground outside the loading dock door. They didn’t tell anyone they’d dropped it off. Nothing. Nada. So when it started to rain – nobody knew the copier was out there, remember – and it wound up getting completely ruined.” Don wound up responsible for the ruined unit, an expense he wasn’t expecting and that his business could ill afford. “And it gets better. The boyfriend? Now he’s suing me because he says the weight of the copier blew out the rear end of his truck. My lawyer’s telling me it’s better just to pay the guy off and be done with it – but I’m telling you, this burns me up!”
Boston: Returning Leased Equipment
Had Don been a little more specific in his directions, this entire mess could have been avoided. The best way to return leased equipment is to work with a professional Boston packing and shipping company. You want to work with a team who has experience shipping copiers, shipping computer equipment, or any other items you may have rented. This ensures the items will be delivered safely, on time, and according to the terms of the lease. Reduce your business’ risk exposure and avoid paying costly damage charges. The best Boston shipping company can help you avoid shipping nightmares.