As one of Boston’s top international moving companies, we talk to a lot of people who are planning moves to Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. Many times, people are curious about how they can save money on their international moves. One simple tip is to be very strategic about your electronics: don’t ship appliances and other technology overseas that are incompatible with that country’s electric infrastructure.
There are different electric systems throughout the world. Here in the US, we have an 110/120 volt system. In Europe, they use 220/240 volts – and if you plug an appliance made for 110/120 into a 220/240 system, you wind up with an appliance that no longer works. Most of Africa runs on 220/240, while South America tends to be 110/120. China is 220/240; the Caribbean is 110/120. Before you move, you need to know definitively what type of electricity is available in your destination country.
Another consideration is your devices. Some electronic devices, particularly items made for travelers such as hair dryers, have switches that allow them to operate on either 110/120 or 220/240. This functionality generally isn’t available on larger appliances or computers. Adapters are available for some devices; however, be aware that American appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, and dryers tend to be much too large for European and Asian apartments. Whenever possible, having the dimensions of the spaces you’re moving into will help you be much more strategic about your packing choices.
There’s no sense spending your money shipping electronic devices and appliances you can’t use. Work with a Boston international moving company that understands the nuances of global living to discover other money saving tips and strategies.