“I launched my business during the pandemic, just like everyone else,” Dashawn said. “But unlike everyone else, I don’t know how to do certain things. When I got my first big order from Great Britian, of course I was excited. But on the other hand, how do I ship products internationally affordably?”
When you’re running your own business, there’s always a learning curve involved. Shipping is complex. Choosing the right packaging, shipping boxes, packing materials, inserts, and insurance coverage is difficult – and that’s just for shipping products within the United States. When you begin shipping packages internationally, things become even more complicated.
Make life simple for yourself and get help while you’re learning the ropes. There are several international shipping companies near Boston. You’ll want to choose one with a reputation for excellent service, because international shipping is a process, and you want to have a reliable partner in case something goes wrong.
“Sometimes you can be in a situation where you don’t know what you don’t know. When it comes to things like custom declarations and all of that paperwork, I didn’t even know where to begin,” Dashawn said. “It really helped to have someone walk me step by step through the process and make sure everything is correct.” He also had concerns about the packaging he used for his products. “It’s really important to me that my products make a good impression. This is my first chance, and it could be the start of something big.”
Working with an international shipping company near Boston, you can explore the different delivery options that best meet your timeline and budget. “Eventually I do think I will do some of my shipping in house, but frankly, right now, it’s just me and I need the help,” Dashawn said. “When you’re a small business owner, you have to be willing to say do I really have the expertise needed to address this problem? In the case of international shipping, for me that answer was no. So that’s when you find the professionals who know how to do the job right. Spend some money for the help, and watch your business grow.”