While most of us are comfortable packing small boxes to be shipped, the situation gets considerably more complicated when the items being shipped are large, heavy, or both. Here are some tips for making the process easier for yourself:
Step #1: Measure and Weight Everything
Shipping costs are determined by the shipment size and weight. You’ll want to know how big the items you’re shipping are in terms of length, width and height. You’ll also want to know how much the items weight, in pounds and ounces.
The reason you need this information is that the package size and weight determines what your shipping options are. Some services are not available when packages exceed certain weight or size limit.
Step #2: Does This Need to Be a Single Package?
One way to save money on shipping costs is to divide a large and heavy package into several smaller, lighter packages. Obviously this is not always an option, such as when you have a large single item shipment. But if you can divide shipments, it may save you money.
Step #3: Strong Cardboard Boxes or Wooden Shipping Crates: How to Choose
When you’re shipping large items, you want a strong, durable cardboard shipping box to contain them. Choose new, strong, reinforced cardboard shipping boxes for the best results. If you don’t have these boxes available, your local pack and ship service should be able to help you.
Wooden shipping crates are the preferred option for extremely heavy packages, as well as high value items that need an extra level of protection during shipping. Wooden shipping crates must be built to freight carrier specifications. If you’re not sure how to do this, your local pack and shipping store should be able to help you.
Step #4: Get Help from the Pros for Less Stress
Your local pack and ship store has special expertise in shipping large items. Let them do the job for you & enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your shipment will arrive safely.