Your college student starts classes in just a few days. They’re moved into their dorm room, and have already had that all-important pizza run with their new roommates. Everything seems like it’s on track and good to go when you get that text: “Mom, I forgot my blue sweatshirt and my favorite socks and also all the supplies I need for my most important class. Can you drop that stuff off?”
The child who forgets all of their things also forgets you live several hours away from their school and also have a job and other commitments that mean you can’t just drop everything and bring them their stuff. On the other hand, you want your child to succeed in school. That’s where your Boston packing and shipping service comes in handy.
All you have to do is go into your kid’s room and locate the items they forgot. Bring them to your Boston packing and shipping service. We’ll box everything up, address it for you, and have it delivered directly to your child’s student housing. It’s fast, efficient, and reliable. Full insurance and tracking options are available, in case your student forgot their laptop or other electronics.
The packing and shipping service in Boston is a great resource when you need to send birthday presents, care packages to a sick student, or a special ‘just thinking of you’ present to put a smile on their face when they’re feeling down. Students who live off campus often vastly underestimate how much food they actually eat – take advantage of your packing and shipping service to send some supplemental groceries, since you don’t want your pride and joy chowing down on ramen three meals a day.