Well, it’s over. The big day has come and gone. Santa came, emptied his sleigh, and left you with a pile of presents to deal with. Some of these are totally awesome. Other ones, not so great. What happens when you need to return gifts, especially to an online retailer?
Some companies make returning gifts easy. L.L. Bean has truly set the standard for easy returns. However, not all companies are L.L. Bean. Here are some tips to keep in mind when returning gifts to the retailer.
Original Packaging: Many retailers require you to ship returns in the original packaging. It’s important to understand that original packaging is not the same as a strong shipping carton. Talk to your Massachusetts shipping store about the best way to return gifts. In many instances, double-boxing is the best route to go: provide the retailer with the original packaging they require, but use a new custom shipping box to provide the durability and protection the item needs to prevent damage. This reduces difficulty during the return process.
Clear Legible Labels & Multiple Addresses: Many retailers provide a label to be used during the shipping returns process. Use this label – but make sure it is legible first! Labels that can’t be read slow down the shipping process considerably – sometimes past valuable cut-off dates after which returns are no longer accepted. As your Massachusetts shipping specialist, we will help you ensure that all of the addresses and shipping paperwork associated with your return is done in accordance with freight carrier standards to keep the returns process simple and easy.
Let Us Do The Work: Neatly packaging, labeling, and shipping unwanted gifts can be time consuming and difficult. What fun is that? This holiday season, let us make the returns process easy for you. Our team of skilled, friendly professionals will be happy to handle everything while you enjoy the rest of the holiday season!