Do you need to relocate on a budget? One great way to save money, time, and more stress than you’d even want to think about is to hire one of the nation’s small furniture moving companies.
Small furniture moving companies specialize in what is known in the trade as ‘small moves’. Small moves are actually what most of us think of when we relocate: transporting furniture, household items, and possessions packed in boxes. Small furniture moving companies handle moving the couch, the dining room set, the china cupboard — all of the cumbersome items that break backs, fray nerves, and present real difficulties for the homeowner who tries to move on their own.
How does hiring small furniture moving companies save you money?
There are a number of ways that hiring small furniture moving companies can save you money. Generally, small moves are priced according to the weight of the load being transported. (Don’t worry if you don’t have a clue how much your household weighs: small furniture moving companies can help you with this part!) Compare this with how general long distance moving companies charge: you pay for the use of the entire truck, whether or not you fill it up. Some small furniture moving companies also offer time-based pricing.
With a small furniture moving company, you pay to move your things. With a general moving company, you pay for the truck used to move your things. There can be a huge difference: new or small families tend to not have as much stuff as larger or more established families. It makes sense: fewer people, with less time, will accumulate fewer possessions. (Packrats aside, of course!) There’s a far smaller likelihood that you will fill — or would require — all of the room in a large moving truck. Why pay for it?
The services small furniture moving companies offer may be the perfect answer!
Call 800-400-7204 or click here for a free quote.