“Like everyone, I have the day job and the side hustle,” Laura laughed. “That’s just the way it is.” The Boston native started a small wholesale business, supplying gift shops and book stores with handmade candles and artwork. “Things were going okay at first,” she explained, “and I could handle all of the aspects of my business. But then I guess I became a victim of my own success.”
The volume of orders Laura was experiencing was more than she could successfully pack and ship on her own in a timely fashion. But the amount of money she was earning wasn’t enough to give up her full time job. “I want to grow to that point,” she explained, “but to make that happen, I need to not disappoint any of my customers now. That’s why I started searching for the best shipping company near Boston.”
Shipping Solutions for Small Business: Trust the Pros
“I thought I’d gotten relatively fast at packing my candles for shipment,” Laura said. “Many of my products are in glass jars or ceramic vessels. They’re fragile, and they have to be shipped cross country without getting damaged. It was eye opening to me to see how the shipping professionals quickly and safely packaged my products and got my shipment out in a fraction of the time it would have taken me to do the same job.”
The time Laura didn’t spend packing and shipping her products was time she could invest in her candle production process. “If there’s an hour I can spend making product, then I’m making money,” she explained. “When I spend that hour putting shipping boxes together and tracking down tape and labels, I’m not making any money.”
For many small business owners, having a Boston shipping company pack and ship orders is a smart way to boost productivity without having to take on additional staff. To learn more about what your options are, or to get a better understanding of what it would cost to have a typical order shipped, give us a call. We’re happy to help.