Household goods are the goods and products you use inside the home. For most people, the majority of their possessions can be considered household goods. When you move, you generally want to bring your household goods with you. For people who are trying to accomplish a move on a budget, shipping household goods can be an affordable alternative to having everything transported by a moving company. This is especially true if you’re moving a long distance or internationally. Here’s what you need to know:
Be Selective to Save Money
Downsizing is the number one money saving tip that applies to every household move. As you’re considering what household goods you’d like to ship, ask yourself if you really want, need, or enjoy the item. If you’re not going to use an item in your new home, you can dispose of it before you pay to ship or move it. If you’re shipping household goods to a family member or friend, make sure they want and can use the item before you ship it.
Use Good Shipping Boxes and Packing Materials
Many times household goods aren’t all that expensive. That doesn’t mean you can skimp on shipping boxes and packing materials. You’re not saving any money if all your things get broken or damaged in transit! Use new or recycled shipping boxes and the appropriate packing materials to protect your things. Even if you’re handling the packing on your own, it’s worth a visit to your local pack and ship store for the best selection and prices on specialty packing materials – important if you’re sending glassware, picture frames, or other delicate household items.
Love to Read? Embrace Media Mail
If you need to ship your library and you’re not in a hurry, the USPS media mail rate can be your best friend. Be aware media mail can only be used for books, magazines, printed material, and select other media.