You know as well as anybody the challenges international college students face. One typical dilemma occurs at the end of every school year. That’s when students must figure out what to do with their things until the fall. Boston Pack and Ship, small load pack and shipping specialists for the past two decades, created an International Students division just to accommodate international student storage needs.
We offer temporary international student storage space in a secure, climate-controlled facility, conveniently located in Braintree, Mass. While other storage facilities charge you a flat rate for a specific size storage room, Boston Pack and Ship only charges for the space you use. So, you’re not renting an 8-foot by 10-foot space if what you’re storing only requires half that.
international student shipping services
For students who are graduating and moving out of Boston or want some or all of their things to be shipped home for the summer, Boston Pack and Ship specializes in international student shipments of less than 1,000 pounds—parameters that can cover a lot of different items. We employ customized package and crate-building services, as well as state-of-the-art packing solutions, like foam-in-place technology, so students can safely ship fragile items like computer monitors, stereo equipment and other pieces. We’ll even pick those items up so no damage occurs while trying to get their shipment to Boston Pack and Ship.
US student shipping services
Boston Pack and Ship offers multiple U.S. student shipping options including ground, air, delivery to a terminal for pickup or inside delivery. International options include air or ocean with door-to-door or door-to-port delivery. Full, declared value is available on both domestic and international shipments. Pick-up of items to be packed and shipped for delivery is made by appointment.
Your international students go through enough stress during the school year with classes, adjusting to a new city and culture, making new friends and so many other things. Boston Pack and Ship’s international student storage and shipping can alleviate one of the bigger ones—what to do with their stuff between school years and after graduation. If you would like to learn more about how Boston Pack and Ship services can help your international students, please give us a call at (800) 400-7204. We’d love the opportunity to set up an informational meeting and go over the range of international student services we offer.
Call 800-400-7204 or click here for a free quote.