“I’m so excited to be moving to Moldova,” Amy said. “This is a real chance to do good work helping people.” The Boston native has landed a job with an international health organization, and will be focusing on helping the people of Moldova enjoy easier access to fresh fruits and vegetables. “The only thing I’m not sure about is who in the world is going to want all the stuff I’m not taking with me?”
Conventional expat wisdom says to drastically minimize your possessions, and hire a professional international moving company to ship the rest to your next destination. But where is all the ‘extra’ stuff supposed to go? Like most of us, Amy had acquired quite a few possessions prior to her embrace of a more global lifestyle. Here is what she did with some of her things:
Donated to a Domestic Violence Shelter: “This is going to sound crazy, but I just called them up and said, “Do you know anyone who might need my furniture?” Amy explained. “They were very happy to take the bed, dresser, kitchen table and chairs I had for one of their safe apartments.”
Worked with a Consignment Shop: Amy took quite a bit of her clothing to a consignment shop in Boston. “My closets were beyond full and this gave me a little extra cash in my pocket – great for last minute expenses,” she said. Note that clothing you take to a consignment shop must be in good condition and relatively stylish.
Gifted Her Friends: “Do I love my xBox? Yes. Will I be able to use my xBox in Moldova? No.” Amy made her best friend’s son’s day when she surprised him with her gaming console and games library. “It made me feel really good to see the smile on his face,” Amy explained.