In the aftermath of the terrible terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut and other cities around the world, many Boston residents are being moved to send care packages and messages of support to their loved ones overseas. The urge to send some tangible message of comfort and love is a good one – but you want to be sure your package arrives in good shape. With that in mind, here are some international shipping do’s and don’ts.
Do: Make sure the items you’re shipping are legal in the country you’re shipping them to. This is particularly relevant to plants, food, and alcohol. Some items may be completely prohibited in your destination country – which could lead to your entire shipment being seized by the authorities – or could be acceptable IF you’ve correctly completed the necessary documentation. If you’re not sure, ask your Boston international shipping company. They’ll have the latest, most up to date information.
Don’t: Try to skimp on shipping boxes and packing materials. We all love to recycle, but when you’re sending a care package overseas it is not the time to reuse cardboard boxes. International shipping is tough on packages. Your items will be moved from truck to a ship or plane, and then sorted again to another transport vehicle in its destination country – perhaps more than once! Boxes get dropped, kicked, and otherwise abused throughout the process. Choose rigid, strong new cardboard shipping boxes to best protect your items – and talk to your Boston international shipping company about the ideal packing materials to keep your items safe while they’re in transit.