As the year draws to a close, you may be considering what 2023 holds for you. If you know there’s a household move on the calendar, there are some things you can start doing now to save yourself stress then.
#1) Book Your Movers Now.
Why call the Boston moving company if you’re not planning a move until June? Because June is a very busy time for neighborhood moves in Boston, as well as long distance moves. Pricing goes up and availability goes down the closer you get to your desired moving dates. Save money and stress by booking ahead.
#2) Start Downsizing Aggressively.
Packing for a big move is an overwhelming job because we all have too much stuff. If you have a little time in advance of your move, reduce the stress of packing and organizing by getting rid of things you don’t want to move ahead of time. Whether that means committing to dropping off donations on a weekly basis or finally shipping those books you’d meant to give to family and friends, do it now and save yourself stress later.
#3) Begin Collecting Boxes and Packing Materials
During the period immediately after the holidays, there’s often a lot of great cardboard boxes around. Begin collecting them for your moving needs. Packing materials are also great to stock up on. If you can’t find adequate supplies of either, be aware your local pack and ship store is a great resource. Also smart to stock up on: tape, labels, markers.
#4) Add a Moving Timeline to all of your calendars.
It’s easier to keep track of when you need to do essential moving related tasks when they’re all listed conveniently in your calendar of choice. Whether that’s Outlook, Google, or the app on your phone, get in the habit of using your main calendar to organize your move.