Among the many unexpected consequences of COVID-19, expect to see an increase in international moves as soon as they again become possible. That's according to Parag Khanna, author of "The Future is Asian". The idea is that as people who have been living in the United States for professional reasons have now experienced the hardship and stress of not being able to get home to their families … [Read more...]
Want To Move Out of the Country? Top 10 International Move Destinations
There are many reasons why people want to move out of the United States. Sometimes they leave to explore new professional opportunities or start a business. Other times, they're students, in search of knowledge. Some people move internationally to be closer to their families, or to make positive changes in their destination country. Additionally, becoming an ex pat is many people's dream … [Read more...]
Boston International Movers: Making a Complex Job Simple
"When we got the news that Glenn would be teaching in France, we were so excited," Sylvie said. "But I have to admit to a sense of complete overwhelm when it comes to arranging the logistics of an international move. There's so much involved, even though we have a small household. To send the furniture we have - well, when I tried to do it on my own, it would have cost a small fortune." If you … [Read more...]