"My Mother had this carousel, and she passed it along to me," Lynn said, referring to a fragile fine china merry go round with beautifully rendered horses in circus trappings. "Now my son has gotten married, and I want to pass it along to my new daughter-in-law. It's a way of continuing the family tradition." Lynn has concerns about shipping this very important gift to her daughter-in-law, who … [Read more...]
Need to Return Holiday Gifts? Shipping Tips
Well, Santa's once again made his epic round-the-world gift giving journey. There's been much ripping of wrapping paper, squeals of delight, devouring of candy canes and chocolate fudge...and then, slowly, the after holiday tasks begin to appear. That sweater your sister got you that's two sizes too small? It's got to go back, to be exchanged for something that fits. Aunt Margaret got your … [Read more...]