Full disclosure - we run a computer shipping service near Boston. You need help shipping a computer, we'll be happy to help you out. But if you don't want us to help you, please, still pay attention to these do's and don'ts of shipping a computer. We have seen some people lose very expensive technology with easy to avoid mistakes! Computer Shipping Don't: Don't Use a Laptop Bag as a Shipping … [Read more...]
The Do’s & Don’ts of Shipping a Computer
"I moved out of my sister's place and forgot my Chromebook. She said she'd mail it to me. Which she did," Fran said, rolling her eyes, "by shoving it into a padded envelope and dropping it in the corner mailbox. By the time it got to me - and it took like a week! - it looked like it had been run over by a truck. The case is cracked in 3 places. She's lucky the screen didn't break. I'm really not … [Read more...]