"I never really meant to collect antiques. That's something my parents did, you know? They'd drive up and down the coast, going to little shops and coming back with chairs and ottomans and end tables." Glenn L., who is in his early thirties, grinned. "You know. Old people stuff. Not anything I would do." He laughed. "Then I met my partner, and we moved in together, and we needed furniture, … [Read more...]
Eastern MA: ebay Sellers Who Need To Ship Antiques
eBay has transformed the antique industry. Once upon a time, if you wanted great antiques, you had to pile into the car and spend your weekends exploring New England and beyond in search of antique furniture, old dishes, collectibles, and decorative items. Now you can find all of these items online. This is great news for collectors, and it's great news for antique sellers. Antique dealers … [Read more...]