The devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on Friday is a disaster beyond all imagining. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people who have been caught up in this terrible event, which is being called the biggest catastrophe to hit the island nation since World War Two.
At this time, there is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding events on the ground in Japan. For that reason, many of the major carriers have temporarily suspended services in Eastern Japan. Shipments awaiting export have been similarly affected. Some carriers are still accepting shipments to be delivered into Eastern Japan once operations resume; check with your Boston packing and shipping company to see what options are available to you.
International Shipping Challenges
Obviously, no one can predict ahead of time events like earthquakes and tsunamis. Working with the best packaging and shipping company can help ensure that you have full insurance protection for your packages, as well as considerable tracking capabilities to keep track of your packages while en route. Bear in mind that even the best systems have limitations: your Boston pack and ship company is working closely with all carriers to find out the latest information as it becomes available.
In the aftermath of a disaster such as this, many customers will face challenges. Entire villages appear to have been lost; it is very probable that some shipments throughout the region may be gone as well. Insurance claims can be complex: working with a packaging and shipping company with documented expertise in properly preparing the documentation for international shipping is essential. If you have questions about what you need to do about a shipment that was lost in the Japanese earthquake, contact your shipping company. They can advise you about the next steps you need to take.
It may take many days, even weeks, for the full magnitude of the events in Japan to become clear. We will continue to keep you apprised of the situation as events develop further and more information becomes available.
[…] International Shipping to Japan Insurance claims can be complex: working with a packaging and shipping company with documented expertise in properly preparing the documentation for international shipping is essential. If you have questions about what you need to do … International Shipping to Japan […]