This New York Times article addresses a steadily increasing concern many of us face. What happens when it’s time for our parents or other loved ones to move?
Many people want to stay in their own homes as long as they possibly can. Living independently in the home they’ve always had isn’t always an option. Sometimes health considerations force a move. Other times, the character of a neighborhood may change, making it unsafe for an elderly woman to live alone. Whatever the circumstances are, there comes a time when your parents need a new place to live.
When Seniors Move
Making the move can be difficult. The NY Times article touched on many of the emotional and psychological aspects of preparing your parents for the change. What they didn’t touch on is the importance of handling the logistics of the move in the best possible way.
Make no mistake, moving later in life carries with it some additional baggage that younger movers don’t experience. The move may not be something that your parents are excited about. They may not want to move at all. Reduce stress and minimize the trauma inherent in the change by working with a Boston moving company that’s experienced working with homeowners who are proud of and protective of their possessions.
After a lifetime’s living, you’ve accumulated quite a few things. You may have fine or antique furniture. You may have artwork, paintings or sculpture. And make no mistake – Mom and Dad love technology just as much as the grandkids do! Moving seniors requires expertise in moving computers and other technological equipment. Home theater systems, stereo equipment, and even scientific instruments have all been part of senior moves.
Having professional experienced movers pack and move their possessions helps alleviate some of the senior’s stress and gives them assurance that their possessions will be well cared for. Additionally, this relieves a significant burden on the family, who can help their parents adjust to the new living situation.