Is it moving time? Moving can be a great adventure. Whether you're pulling up stakes to relocate for work, attend school, or enjoy retirement, there's always the excitement of meeting new people and discovering new favorite places. Moving does have its downside as well: packing and shipping all of your possessions is a lot of work. Every move is different. There are certain categories of … [Read more...]
Packing and Shipping a Boston Estate: The Challenges
"I knew that when my great-aunt Chloe died, it was going to be on me to clean up her estate and ship certain items to relatives and friends. We'd talked about it many times, and Chloe had gone over all of her wishes with me. What I didn't know," Boston native Sheila S. said, "was what a big and complicated job shipping an estate can be!" Chloe had left some nice things to her family, who … [Read more...]