Is it moving time? Moving can be a great adventure. Whether you're pulling up stakes to relocate for work, attend school, or enjoy retirement, there's always the excitement of meeting new people and discovering new favorite places. Moving does have its downside as well: packing and shipping all of your possessions is a lot of work. Every move is different. There are certain categories of … [Read more...]
Boston: What Is The Best Time To Ship Computers?
“I honestly didn’t think that moving our business was going to be such a big deal,” Leah said. Her Boston graphic design firm had outgrown the two room space they’d been renting, and it was time to relocate uptown. “We don’t have a lot of stuff: we don’t have to move inventory or ship manufacturing equipment.” What Leah’s firm does have is computers. Lots of computers. “I’m not even counting … [Read more...]