The World Cup has come, at long last, to its end. Germany has beaten Argentina in a very exciting, well-played game. They've been awarded the World Cup trophy: if you turn on the news right now, odds are you're going to see a bunch of triumphant Germans waving it around over their heads. But have you ever thought about how the World Cup travels from destination to destination? Any time you have … [Read more...]
South Shore Wooden Shipping Crates
Wooden shipping crates are essential when you're shipping artwork, antique furniture, manufacturing equipment, and other valuable, fragile items. Wooden shipping crates are far more rigid and durable than cardboard boxes. They offer more protection for the items being shipped, especially on overseas journeys. Where's the best place to get wooden shipping crates in the South Shore? Boston … [Read more...]
Harsh Winter Weather Highlights Need for Proper Packing Shipping Experts Say
Drifting, blowing snow, streets full of slush, and freezing rain are currently common sights all over the country. This has a definite impact on package deliveries, particularly if you're sending shipments to suburban or rural locations where common practices include leaving packages on porches and in doorways where they're exposed to the elements. If the contents of your package aren't properly … [Read more...]
Eastern MA: Planning the Small Move
Is it moving time? Moving can be a great adventure. Whether you're pulling up stakes to relocate for work, attend school, or enjoy retirement, there's always the excitement of meeting new people and discovering new favorite places. Moving does have its downside as well: packing and shipping all of your possessions is a lot of work. Every move is different. There are certain categories of … [Read more...]
Should You Build Your Own Shipping Crates?
A box is a box is a box, right? You've got a top and a bottom, four sides and room inside for your stuff. There's nothing complicated about a box -- and a shipping crate is just a big box, right? Well, actually, wrong. Completely and totally wrong. That's why we were recently dismayed by this Washington Post article in which it's suggested that a mover could construct their own shipping … [Read more...]
Considering Wooden Shipping Crates Construction
Wooden shipping crates are everywhere. You can’t walk through a warehouse or across a loading dock without seeing one of these ubiquitous boxes, protecting and concealing everything from machinery to clothing, fine foods to industrial equipment. Yet have you ever thought about how they’re made? If you’ve ever pondered wooden shipping crates construction, perhaps you’ve imagined a very boring … [Read more...]