"My son wants me to ship him his PS4," Lynette said. "Which fine, he needs something to do on his downtime. But now I'm anxious that it will get damaged and he will be disappointed." Don't stress shipping gaming consoles, computers, and other electronics. We've reached out to the best Boston shipping store for tips and hints on shipping electronics safely. Here's what they had to say: Use … [Read more...]
Three Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Shipped My Computer Home
So here I am in Boston, stuck with a computer that doesn't work. My kid brother back home in Philadelphia says he can fix it for me, no big deal. All I have to do is ship my computer to him. He'll do his magic, ship the computer back to me, and I can get on with my busy life as a college student. Sounds simple, right? Well, here's what I learned along the way: First: Never pack your computer … [Read more...]
Shipping Computers: Money Saving Tips
When you ship a computer, you want it to arrive at its destination quickly and in good condition. The safety of your electronics depends directly on the way you pack them for shipping. You also don't want to spend a ton of money on shipping supplies you don't need. With that in mind, here are some money saving tips for shipping computers: Use Original Packaging Whenever Possible The best … [Read more...]
The Do’s and Don’ts of Shipping Computers
As Boston's best shipping store, we see a lot of people who are shipping computers. This includes desk top computers, gaming computers, laptops, tablets and more. Because computers are expensive and fragile, special care is required when packing and shipping computers. Here's what you need to know: Do: Make Use of Original Packing Materials if They're Available The packing materials and box … [Read more...]
Eastern MA: What You Need To Know About Shipping Computers
Computers, servers, and other high tech equipment present special shipping challenges. Packaging computers for shipping is not a task for the uninitiated. It's far too easy to run the risk of breaking or damaging valuable computer equipment if you don't do the job correctly. If you need to ship a computer, ship a laptop, ship iPads, iPods, or other iGadgets, you want to use the services of … [Read more...]
Eastern MA: Planning the Small Move
Is it moving time? Moving can be a great adventure. Whether you're pulling up stakes to relocate for work, attend school, or enjoy retirement, there's always the excitement of meeting new people and discovering new favorite places. Moving does have its downside as well: packing and shipping all of your possessions is a lot of work. Every move is different. There are certain categories of … [Read more...]
Boston: What Is The Best Time To Ship Computers?
“I honestly didn’t think that moving our business was going to be such a big deal,” Leah said. Her Boston graphic design firm had outgrown the two room space they’d been renting, and it was time to relocate uptown. “We don’t have a lot of stuff: we don’t have to move inventory or ship manufacturing equipment.” What Leah’s firm does have is computers. Lots of computers. “I’m not even counting … [Read more...]
The Challenges of Moving the Small Boston Medical Practice
Physicians, opthamologists, dentists, and other medical professionals all share a common challenge. Moving the practice can be tough. Relocating a small medical office involves some complicated logistics. Not only do you have the challenges of making a move in Boston – which is no small thing! - there are issues of patient confidentiality to protect; delicate medical, office, and … [Read more...]
Tips for a Successful Student Move
One of the best things about the holiday season is having your kids come home from school. They come back, loaded down with their new-found experiences and confidence, to spend time with parents, siblings, and friends -- not to mention a bag or two of laundry! They also come home with a list of things they'll need to make the spring semester better, more comfortable, and more productive. What's … [Read more...]
High Tech Moves: Shipping Computers, Rack Servers, Routers and More
As the executive assistant to the Big Cheese, I get all the great jobs -- like asking the questions he doesn't want to ask! That's how I found myself facing Glenn, our IT manager, asking, "Exactly how difficult would it be to pack up all of our computer system and move it to a new location?" Glenn looked at me, and said, "Do you know how hard it was for NASA to send a man to the … [Read more...]